Archive for the 'Work' Category

About six months ago, I started talking with Atif Khan about a device his company has been working on since 2004. Today I got a chance for the first time to see more details on the deeda, which looks more like an iPhone than anything else I’ve seen. The approach they are taking to application […]

JavaScript roundup

A number of random JavaScript musings from recent events, none of which are meaty enough to constitute a blog post. First off, congrats to Jack Slocum on launching ext and Dean Edwards on unleashing base2. It’s great to see solid work pushing things forward in the JavaScript world. Coach Wei of Nexaweb wrote an insightful, […]

sxsw 2007 recap

We made the annual trek to SxSW this year and had an amazing experience as usual. This year I gave a short talk titled “Web Vector Graphics: Myth or Reality?” and did a Paul Graham style Q&A session at the end with a large number of answers in a very short amount of time. I […]

I’ve been traveling a lot lately, and JetBlue and Southwest recently upgraded their web sites. Given my role in Dojo, I thought it would be interesting to see what JavaScript/Ajax toolkits airline web sites are using (if any), and to see if there is a correlation between the quality of the airline web site and […]

We’ve had a number of interesting posts recently on the SitePen blog around our new Dojo Offline Toolkit efforts, and around reducing toolkit bloat. These two topics are of particular importance to the long-term success of web apps. We’re also pleased to announce a few new Dojo Training courses. If you have any questions about […]

ThinkVitamin is now featuring my article, Create cross-browser vector graphics, an article about dojo.gfx. The article is intended to show where we are today and what is possible with dojo’s vector graphics APIs.

mozilla and dojo

On Friday, I had the opportunity to give a Dojo update at Mozilla. Spending time with the Mozillans is always a great honor, as their hard work makes our development efforts possible and much more pleasant. Mozilla co-sponsored Dojo’s summer internship program (along with SitePen, and the Google Summer of Code), and this was a […]

full speed ahead

The past year has been by far the best and most successful of my professional life. I have devoted significant amounts of effort to helping build Renkoo, Dojo, and SitePen. Renkoo has evolved into an amazing, cool, useful web application, Dojo has become a leader among many many JavaScript toolkits, and SitePen has grown at […]

new sitepen web site

We spent the better part of the last two weeks completing the new SitePen web site, which was originally developed more than three years ago. The new version is definitely still a work in progress, but provides a great foundation for the many interesting things we plan to do with it. We used the Tapestry […]

directtv replacement

SitePen client West Coast Internet is offering a replacement DSL service for former DirectTV DSL customers, a service that is being discontinued.

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