Archive for the 'Dojo' Category

less noise, more signal

Once or twice a year, I post to the Dojo interest list encouraging people to not just make noise. In other words, only respond if you actually have something useful to add. Thousands of people read the list (or try to at least), and it’s really frustrating when people respond in a only to hear […]

dojo and bill pay

I noticed tonight that my bank, US Bank, had upgraded their Bill Pay interface to add some nice Ajax interactions. Looking at the source, I found that they are using a custom build of Dojo!

a better way to trim

Steven Levithan has put together by far the most extensive analysis of JavaScript and trim I have seen (thanks for the tip Dean). We’ll certainly make use of this knowledge in Dojo 0.9 and beyond, and I look forward to reading more great regexp and JavaScript analysis from Steven.


One of the Leopard development tools that Apple is already talking about openly is dashcode, a really simple way to create your own dashboard widgets. In Tiger, Dashboard’s UI really feels like an afterthought, but the approach they are taking with Leopard (and perhaps with the iPhone, though we don’t know if that is the […]

dojo 0.9 beta

Alex has just announced that 0.9 beta is ready for download. It’s been an amazing effort by the team to get to this point: a much lighter, faster, easier to use Dojo. We look forward to your feedback and suggestions for improvements for the final 0.9 and towards 1.0 later this year.

In taking a look at the performance metrics regarding the new jQuery release. it was curious to note that while jQuery is much faster than before, that on average, according to their performance tests, that Dojo 0.9 beta is faster than jQuery. The averages across all browsers listed are as follows: Prototype: 870.5 ms jQuery: […]

iBliss: day 3

After two days of iHell, Day 3 was blissful with a successful activation of my iPhone after replacing the SIM card. For now, I’m being forgiving, as the iPhone is flat out fun to use. While not perfect, Apple has managed to get so many cool, fun details just right. So why the rush and […]

Today, along with a reported 500,000 other people, I picked up an iPhone. We waited in line in 110F heat for about 90 minutes and were among the first 25 in one of many local AT&T stores. Sadly, that was the easy part of the day. The iPhone looks to be an amazing device, but […]

wwdc behind the scenes

It’s a bit late to be doing a WWDC follow-up, but better late than never. Alex and I were invited to give a talk about Dojo several months ago, as was Sam Stephenson of Prototype. Since we’re not really allowed to talk about anything tech from the talk that isn’t public, I thought it would […]

iPhone bar camp

I usually skip BarCamp and other hackathon coding events because they consume a lot of time and I don’t usually get as much accomplished as I do at my desk. That said, when a major new platform like the iPhone gets released, an event such as the iPhone Dev Camp seems like a great idea […]

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