Archive for the 'Dojo' Category

ThinkVitamin is now featuring my article, Create cross-browser vector graphics, an article about dojo.gfx. The article is intended to show where we are today and what is possible with dojo’s vector graphics APIs.

mozilla and dojo

On Friday, I had the opportunity to give a Dojo update at Mozilla. Spending time with the Mozillans is always a great honor, as their hard work makes our development efforts possible and much more pleasant. Mozilla co-sponsored Dojo’s summer internship program (along with SitePen, and the Google Summer of Code), and this was a […]

full speed ahead

The past year has been by far the best and most successful of my professional life. I have devoted significant amounts of effort to helping build Renkoo, Dojo, and SitePen. Renkoo has evolved into an amazing, cool, useful web application, Dojo has become a leader among many many JavaScript toolkits, and SitePen has grown at […]

updates to dojo and renkoo

Today we launch Dojo 0.2. Recently we added some fun new features to Renkoo. And the San Jose Mercury News had an article about When 2.0 recently that mentions Renkoo.

the month of launches

Today should be the launch of Dojo 0.1. Earlier this month was the initial alpha launch of our startup. This has been a really fun month, even with the back surgery.

dojo xml parser

I wrote some developer notes recently on the Dojo XML to JS Parser.

first dojo profile

Our first dojo profile package has been released. Basically it is the Dojo wrapper for xmlhttp requests, combined with support for using the back button and getting stateful urls while using this technique.

adobe svg and closures

Alex wrote a rant about our struggles with adobe svg, http requests, and closures.

It’s no surprise to people that work with me that I’ve been spending a lot of my time lately on Dojo. This week, Jesse James Garrett wrote an article on A New Approach to Web Applications, and Matthew Haughey followed up with an article about the rise of web applications. They have both written excellent […]


I am currently contributing code and effort to the Dojo Toolkit project. The site was updated today to reveal a little about what we’re doing.

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