Archive for the 'JavaScript' Category

It’s no surprise to people that work with me that I’ve been spending a lot of my time lately on Dojo. This week, Jesse James Garrett wrote an article on A New Approach to Web Applications, and Matthew Haughey followed up with an article about the rise of web applications. They have both written excellent […]

svg collaborative whiteboard

Mark Dawson has put together a nice proof of concept for a collaborative svg whiteboard.


I am currently contributing code and effort to the Dojo Toolkit project. The site was updated today to reveal a little about what we’re doing.

better onload focusing

Numerous sites capture the onload event handler to move focus to a specific form field, usually for logging in (for example, My Yahoo!). Other sites will even clear the current text in the field in addition to providing focus (for example, American Express). However, they both exhibit a really annoying behavior: when the page is […]

styling input type=file has a great article on how to create the illusion of a styled input type=”file” element. This is a problem I tried to solve years ago, before the options presented here were really viable. This trick will probably put Michael McGrady on the map if he wasn’t already.

Daniel Glazman has added an entry about three ways to emulate getElementsByClass. Of course, there’s another method if your document is xhtml: use xpath like this… function getElementByClassName(needle) { var xpathResult = document.evaluate(‘//*[@class = “‘needle’”]’, document, null, 0, null); var outArray = new Array(); var item; while (item = xpathResult.iterateNext()) outArray[outArray.length] = item; return outArray; […]

server-sent dom events

Ian Hickson was written an interesting proposal for server-sent dom events, basically a way to avoid some of the iframe hacks to keep an open stream to a server which would deliver events to client-side code.

javascript image replacement

In response to the recent Joe Clark article on A List Apart “Facts and Opinion About Fahrner Image Replacement“, Peter-Paul Koch wrote an article about a possible JavaScript Image Replacement alternative. Somewhat independently, Christian Hellmann wrote an article also for JavaScript Image Replacement. Peter-Paul Koch had a pair of responses, basically saying to Christian: you […]

quirksmode is the relaunch of ppk’s excellent resource on JavaScript, DOM, and CSS compatibility issues. The name is inspired by doctype switching in newer browsers to allow older quirky rendering behavior to work.

a list apart

a list apart, one of the better web developer web-zines, relaunches with three good articles: accessibility with css image replacement, expandable curved tabs in css, and a 4k php image roation script, as well as multiple rss feeds in multiple versions.

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