Google acquires Dodgeball. In unrelated news, Google acquires rights to Baseketball, and has patent for tags rejected over confusion due to prior art. And you thought webdev tattoo humor was bad.

The Jot hackathon, Don’t try this at work, hReview, and of course, Pac-Man turns 25.

Why is it that we cannot seem to just let something be cool? Why must we hype it to death with an awful name? Are we that desperate as people to latch onto anything that seems like the next fad? Are there that few cool things out there? Why can we not learn from the days or the bust days that there is a happy medium somewhere in there that is sustainable. How do I know things are out of control? When there are webcasts and summits hyping your humble efforts in the world, that is when. Can we not just have a little rational exuberance before the whole thing comes tumbling down on us from unmet expectations?

dojo xml parser

I wrote some developer notes recently on the Dojo XML to JS Parser.

John Dvorak’s latest article, The Dumbing Down of America, explains why I wear t-shirts containing phrases such as “No I will not fix your computer” and “I see dumb people”.

I’m not sure how or why I did not see this sooner, but in firefox, setting accessibility.tabfocus in about:config to 7 allows tabbing into select elements, removing my biggest annoyance with the Mac UI.

xfn friendly

After attending tantek’s panel on the elements of meaningful xhtml at my first sxsw, I felt obligated to add xfn tags to my links to other people’s sites and blogs. Despite my somewhat personal disgreement with polluting rel tags in (x)html, instead of just adding a custom dtd or separate namespace instead.

first dojo profile

Our first dojo profile package has been released. Basically it is the Dojo wrapper for xmlhttp requests, combined with support for using the back button and getting stateful urls while using this technique.


tantek has suggested the name cadex for responsive web applications. I can live with that. It certainly beats the proposed alternative.

top 100 gadgets

mobile pc has a very fun look at the Top 100 Gadgets of All Time

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