Archive for the 'Dojo' Category

Over the years of working with the Dojo Toolkit at SitePen, we have avoided offering a formal support service because we did not want to compete with our efforts in supporting the community. Recently, we started to realize that there are simply cases where an open and free community cannot always fill the need of […]

dojo and cinque terre

I couldn’t resist wearing my Dojo shirt while doing the Trail 2 hike through the Cinque Terre in October:

first dojo book

Matthew Russell’s Dojo Book is the first book on the market exclusively about Dojo. It should be out in a few months.

On Comet Daily, Greg Wilkins and Michael Carter are currently going back and forth in a debate about Bayeux. I’m hopeful this discussion will help make Bayeux that much better for everyone interested in a Comet protocol.

dojo community resources

Peter Higgins and I spent part of our evening assembling a collection of Dojo Community Resources, mostly in the form of up do date tutorials and demos.

dojo developer day (ddd) 4

Dojo Developer Day 4 is coming February 7th and 8th, and is being graciously hosted by Google. Day 1 is primarily targeted towards contributors to the toolkit, with day 2 focused towards the greater development community. There is no cost to attend… simply send an RSVP email to rsvp -at- dojotoolkit *dot* org. Also, on […]

aptana jaxer

I’m pleased to announce that I recently accepted Aptana’s offer to join their advisory board, along with a number of other great people in the Ajax community. Aptana has just announced the release of Jaxer, dubbed “The Ajax Server.” So what exactly does that mean? It means that JavaScript, the DOM, HTML, and CSS are […]

ajaxian survey

Ajaxian is running a new version of their Ajax survey for those that are interested in taking part in such things.

cross site scripting

Andrew Betts has delivered a phenomenal summary of cross site scripting (XSS) techniques and options in today’s browsers in his article Cross Site Scripting Joy.


When I was working on a project a couple of years ago, I had an idea for a great, alternative way to select a date. In the end, the better parts of my work made their way into Dojo, and the natural language feature was dropped as it was non-essential at the time. Today, I […]

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