Archive for the 'JavaScript' Category

grails eXchange

I’m giving a talk on the current state of Dojo at the Grails eXchange on October 17 in London. The conference is put on by Skills Matter, a training company that also puts on our Dojo training courses in Europe. They do an excellent job with the training courses, and there are a number of […]

Announcing the Dojo Grid

After many months of working out the details, we’ve just announced the Dojo Grid! It took a significant amount of effort to make this happen, but we’ve managed to come together with a bunch of people in the community to bring an excellent grid widget to Dojo in time for the 1.0 release. SitePen, Mozilla, […]

In “Tales from the Evil Empire”, Betrand Le Roy of Microsoft has a summary of the current state of of browser history management. It’s a reasonably solid summary of browsers today, except that he comes to the following conclusion: Now, we only have IE, Firefox and Safari Mac. I just hope this is only temporary […]

dojo on the iphone

I’m giving two talks about Dojo on the iPhone, one at AjaxWorld in San Jose in late September, and the other at Grails eXchange in London in mid-October. The talks will provide a good general summary of Ajax dev on the iPhone, then get into Dojo and Cometd specifics. I’m really curious to know if […]


Well that was fast. Facebook now has a beta FBJS implementation for their developer API. I had mused in mid-July about the Facebook acquisition of Parakey, and now we have a fairly reasonable looking JS API. While I have no idea how little or how much Joe and Blake were behind this effort, it was […]

oh snap

One of the real oddities of JavaScript toolkits and online message boards is the prevalence of fan boys. The pattern basically goes like this: Ajaxian posts an article about something new in toolkit X Fan boys of other toolkits, regardless of the content of the article or great new feature, and often times without actually […]

browser possession

One of my favorite geek dinner topics, browser possession, was highlighted at the end of the Ajax Experience. It’s something I’ve talked about with Brad, Alex, and even Brendan before in the past. The idea goes something like this: “instead of waiting for the weaker browsers on the market to update their codebase, use another […]

facebook acquires parakey

Facebook recently acquired Parakey. Congrats to Joe and Blake, two of the original co-conspirators behind the skunkworks project now known as Firefox. Joe is also known for Firebug, and for his recent work on iUI, a lightweight tool for building simple iPhone apps. While the Facebook platform has become wildly popular for launching web apps […]

dojo and bill pay

I noticed tonight that my bank, US Bank, had upgraded their Bill Pay interface to add some nice Ajax interactions. Looking at the source, I found that they are using a custom build of Dojo!

a better way to trim

Steven Levithan has put together by far the most extensive analysis of JavaScript and trim I have seen (thanks for the tip Dean). We’ll certainly make use of this knowledge in Dojo 0.9 and beyond, and I look forward to reading more great regexp and JavaScript analysis from Steven.

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