facebook acquires parakey

Facebook recently acquired Parakey. Congrats to Joe and Blake, two of the original co-conspirators behind the skunkworks project now known as Firefox. Joe is also known for Firebug, and for his recent work on iUI, a lightweight tool for building simple iPhone apps. While the Facebook platform has become wildly popular for launching web apps based on HTML and Flash, perhaps this announcement will lead to real JavaScript/Ajax support within the Facebook platform.

2 Responses to “facebook acquires parakey”

  1. […] now has a beta FBJS implementation for their developer API. I had mused in mid-July about the Facebook acquisition of Parakey, and now we have a fairly reasonable looking JS API. While I have no idea how little or how much […]

  2. […] the article iphone.facebook.com sets the standard, we’re seeing more inspiration from the Parakey acquisition than just […]

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