silicon pines

Silicon Pines is an Assisting Computing Facility: ” Sadly, technology is advancing at such a dramatic rate that many millions, of all ages, will never truly be able to understand it, putting an undue burden on those friends and family members who must explain it to them. But unless the loved one is suffering from a truly deliberative affliction, such as Reinstallzheimers, the decision to commit is entirely personal.” A very funny site for those of us that are asked to solve any and every type of computer problem our friends and family have. The problem is only getting worse… today I was asked to stop what I was doing and explain how to extract a zip file. It seems that no matter how simple we make user interfaces, users fall to new lows in being able to accomplish even the easiest of tasks… even worse, they forget how to do things that they were more than capable of with older operating systems that actually expected them to think a little bit. Why do so many people have a tendency to want to think for themselves as infrequently as possible, and be as dependent on others for thought whenever convenient? When did people become afraid to learn?</rant>

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