linux 802.11g

I’m looking for an 802.11g or 802.11b PCMCIA card that is easy to install and configure with Linux. So far I am reading through Wireless Networking Guides, learning about chipset manufacturers for wireless cards. Any suggestions?

Update: From what I’ve read so far, there are presently no available linux drivers for 802.11g. I’ve settled on the Linksys WPC11… it is based on the Intersil Prism II chipset which is widely supported with the wlan-ng driver project, there is a reasonably good Linksys WPC11 tutorial, as well as unsuppored drivers from Linksys themselves. I’ve been warned by an e-mail from Nayib Kiuhan that Linksys has a new version of the WPC11, version 2.7, that uses the Broadcom chipset, which is known to not work with Linux. I was fortunate to not have this problem.

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