Two great conferences are coming to the Bay Area in early September, and each has an interesting give-away.

The developer-centric Rich Web Experience, from September 6-8, 2007 in San Jose, is offering attendees their choice of a Nintendo Wii or 30GB iPod Video. This conference is a spin-off from the Ajax Experience, when TechTarget acquired Ajaxian, and has an excellent line-up of speakers

The tech CxO-focused Office 2.0 Conference from September 5-7, 2007 in San Francisco was an amazingly high quality conference last year. I was impressed last year when conference schedules were handed out in the form of iPod Nanos, but this year they have upped their game: every conference attendee will receive an iPhone (or comparable device if you already own an iPhone).

During the event, you will use your iPhone to lookup the conference’s agenda, the biographies of speakers, and the map of the facility, thereby saving a lot of trees. Using applications developed by Etelos, you will also be able to exchange your contact information with attendees and exhibitors, schedule meetings with participants, and provide real-time feedback during sessions. The conference’s facility will also provide a scalable WiFi network that will allow you to access any online application, leveraging the full power of Apple’s wonderful device.

Depending on your interest and motivation, I can highly recommend the Rich Web Experience if you are looking for better information about technology and development, of Office 2.0 if you are more interested in networking and/or the business side of tech. Or you could sign-up for both, double-up on the schwag, and get 4 packed days of conference fun.

One Response to “battle of the conference schwag”

  1. […] speaking of schwag, it is worth mentioning that we’re doing a one-day Dojo training course at the end of […]

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