speaking of schwag

While speaking of schwag, it is worth mentioning that we’re doing a one-day Dojo training course at the end of September in Dallas. What does that have to do with Schwag? Each attendee will receive a t-shirt with the new Dojo logo. I know, I know, much more impressive than an iPhone or Wii, and much scarcer as well. We’ll be cramming years full of information about Dojo 0.9 into one day.

One Response to “speaking of schwag”

  1. on 08 Aug 2007 at 2:46Lance Spellman


    As the host sponsor in Dallas, Workflow Studios is excited about bringing you to town for what promises to be an excellent day.

    We’ll see your Schwagg and raise you. Since everyone will be getting a t-shirt (and more), one lucky participant WILL walk away with a Wii!


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