If you’re looking to attend a conference or two, QCon San Francisco in November has a new track titled the Browser as a Platform. I had the opportunity to speak at QCon Beijing and QCon Tokyo in April, and had ample opportunity to get to know Floyd from InfoQ. We started talking and that led to this track that I am hosting. I’ve lined up a set of talks that I’m excited to hear. Hopefully this track goes well and can expand into something bigger next year! I’ll also be conducting a one-day Intro to Dojo, Comet, Grids, and Charts workshop prior to the conference.

In December, I’ll be speaking at the Rich Web Experience in Orlando. No Fluff Just Stuff is organizing this conference, and they are going out of their way to line up a great collection of speakers and events. I’ll be speaking about Dojo, Comet, and the future of the open web.

I’m also tentatively scheduled to give the previously mentioned Intro to Dojo, Comet, Grids, and Charts workshop at the end of September during the London Digital Week. If you’re in London and want a quick crash course on Dojo, this is a great event and will of course include a Dojo Beer event in the evening.

Finally, there are tentative plans for a free evening Comet panel hosted by SVWebBuilder in late October in Mountain View. More details to follow on this event.

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