Upcoming Dojo Events
July 28th, 2010 by Dylan
A few upcoming Dojo events worth mentioning:
- Dojo Mobile Summit, London, July 31-August 1, 2010. We’re fully booked for this, but if you want to join us Saturday evening, let me know.
- dojo.beer Chicago. This is happening sometime in August (either the weekend of the 21st or 28th). Peter Higgins will be there for this event.
- Dojo Developer Day 2010. Bay Area, October 19-20, 2010. This year’s two-day event will be focused on the Dojo 2.0 API and feature set. We’ll be skipping the community day format of the past, and instead we’ll have a dojo.beer event in the evening. RSVP info. will be available as soon as I have that set up, but be sure to save the date if you’re a Dojo committer or have a very strong interest in the direction of Dojo.