Archive for the 'Misc' Category

et tu linkin park?

After years of loving Linkin Park’s music, in part because I love their sound, and in part because they had a good local following when I lived in Santa Monica, I’m saddened to learn that yes, all Linkin Park songs do sound the same. Yes Dylan, you do like listening to the same thing over […]

Most of my posts about customer service remark about how poor it is, and how annoyed I get when incompetence wastes my time. So I’m pleased to write a post about the great service I received recently from Photojojo, an online photo site and store. I was recently looking for the new Eye-fi Card, and […]

in the news

NBC stops selling shows on iTunes – does anyone really care… besides Heroes and the Office, NBC doesn’t have anything worth watching. Ron Paul in the WSJ – a decent write-up about Ron Paul in the WSJ… one thing the media doesn’t seem to get is that he feels abortion rights is not something that […]

Articles that blame poor consumer spending on high gas prices have always been a bit confusing to me, because they seem to ignore basic math. Assuming that an average American drives 12,000 miles per year, and gas costs $2/gallon more than it did a few years ago, and that an average car gets 20 miles […]

Per many online reports, it seems that the US media outlets are censoring the presidential debate results and questions asked about said censorship. Now, I had no idea anyone actually watched debates any more, but when I learned that a large number of candidates were invited, I realized that there might actually have been a […]

back in business

It’s been far too many months since I’ve blogged. While I’ve been blogging occasionally on the SitePen blog and the Dojo blog, I was tired of maintaining my home grown blogging solution which amounted to an XML source file that was a lot similar to an Atom format, some XSLT files to generate HTML, RSS, […]

initial thoughts

Some initial thoughts from new experiences this month, with full descriptions to come later:

a friend dies in iraq

I just found out that a friend of mine in high school, Josh Byers, died in Iraq on Wednesday. Josh was one of the good guys, an honest man who was a patriot when being a patriot was one of the least cool things to be.

In an article about Sammy Sosa and his corked bat, Hal Bodley compares Sammy Sosa using a corked bat to Bill Gates stealing a hundred bucks. Of course, when I read that quote, I think, isn’t that what Microsoft does to you when you want to buy a new computer with Linux instead of Windows. […]

changing the meaning

The Wall Street Journal had an article recently about words that change their meaning, such as the many meanings of the phrase shut-up. And then, a couple of my friends announced that they are eloping. But it seems that the word elope no longer only means running away and secretly getting married. Now, it also […]

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